Friday, September 20, 2013


it's Friday... I am exhausted and relieved it is the weekend! I realized I have not written in awhile, so I thought I would take some time today. I looked at the date on the lower right hand corner of the computer and realized that 2 months ago today I was packing up the last of my little home in Denver, saying goodbye to friends and my sweet puppy. A part of me feels like I have been here so much longer than 2 months, but another part of me feels like it is flying by. The good thing is, it feels like home. I am comfortable, I have nice friends and colleagues, and I am finally in a routine. Between Spanish, spinning, yoga and now kickboxing, my Mon-Thurs stay busy! With my weekends, I have been fortunate to have already been to many beautiful beaches on the Caribbean and Pacific coasts and seen some beautiful landscape along the way! It really has been an easy adjustment so far...

I am settling in at work as well, it is always tough to start a new job and learn the way things are done. For awhile I was pretty down about things, because I don't really agree 100% with my team about best practices for teaching. With all of the work I have done in the past few years to become the teacher I am, it was difficult for me to let that all go and teach in a way I don't really believe in. So, I have been quiet at meetings and figured out how to incorporate the necessary curriculum while teaching the way I want. Luckily, the curriculum coordinator, Kasey, supports me in that decision. In the past week or two I have started speaking up a little more, asking a few more questions, sharing more ideas (and they are becoming more welcomed) during the team meetings. It turns out, having 7 years of teaching experience, I do know a little bit about teaching! So slowly I am teaching other people about things I love and believe in, such as Daily 5, teaching vocabulary and grammar within context, individualizing instruction to meet the needs of my students and people are slowly opening up to new ideas. With 100% of my students being English Language Learner's, I really get to put my new Master's degree to use! I have to remember that change is hard but as long as I continue with what I believe is right then I am doing the best job I can for my students...

thanks for reading!


  1. I am so glad you feel at home and teaching is getting easier. It IS hard to adjust to new ways, methods and ideas. Good for you to go cautiously, but then share your thoughts and ideas! Continue to enjoy your adventure!

  2. It's weird being the "new guy" again, isn't it? I'm also quietly incorporating what I believe in...

  3. I hear you lady! I've done it the past three years and it's so hard sitting there listening to others and their ways of teaching that you truly know are not what is best for students. I am still quiet but I am too learning to speak up and suggest ideas....some people will always take more time. Patience friend but continue to speak up as your ideas are wonderful!!
